Nascar Pool Help

Since we started Nascar Pools Online, we’ve received a number of questions about starting, and managing NASCAR pools.  I’ve personally run a number of pools myself, not just in NASCAR but several other sports as well, plus I’ve participated in numerous others.  Not to mention, I’ve communicated with HELP!several of the people that run their pools on NPO the past couple seasons.  My goal is to take some of that knowledge and experience, to help you get your pool up and running or improve on it.

To get started, we will be posting a series on getting a pool started. Some of what will be covered:  Who should start a NASCAR pool, why you might want to run a pool, who you want in your league and how big should it be, what type of format/scoring your league should be, and what are some of the issues you may come across along the way.  We’ll follow that up with some ongoing tips from people that actually run NASCAR pools and then try to answer any questions you might have on a regular basis.  We’ll then take a look at the different types of pool formats and how to be successful in each.  Along the way we’ll try to post other online resources to help you.  Towards the beginning of the season, we will highlight a number of pools on NPO that are looking for more participants.

So if you’ve ever thought about starting a fantasy Nascar pool and didn’t know where to start, this series is for you.  If you’ve been running a pool for a while now, and want to grow or improve your pool, this series is also for you.  If you’re an avid fantasy Nascar participant, you should find this series informative, and possibly helpful in finding Nascar pools to suit your time/budget/commitment levels.

We will start working our way through the main part of the series in the next few days and try to wrap it up by early January at the latest, so you can be prepared to get things up and running with a month to go before the season.  After that we’ll try to do regular updates to cover the questions and tips.

If you have a question, leave it in the comments, or feel free to send it directly to us instead.

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