How to Join a Nascar Pool

Step by step instructions for: New user registration, join a pool, log pool entries & picks

Registering on Nascar Pools Online

  1. Click on the Sign-Up link in the top right of the webpage.
  2. Fill in the appropriate information in the ‘Create Your Account’ section. Be sure to type NPO in the last box. It’s our simple way of avoiding useless sign ups from bots.
  3. Be sure to click that you agree to the Terms of Use (which is a link if you want to read that section).
  4. Click on the ‘Register’ button.

Note: If you’ve already registered an account at any point in time, you can login instead of signing up for another account. If you don’t remember the password, you can reset your password with your username and email. We can’t tell you what your password is.

Joining an Existing Nascar Pool

  1. Click on the ‘My Pools’ link at the top of the page (it should have replaced the Log In and Sign-Up options.
    • If you have come to the site via a Join Link in an email you may already have your pool listed here – if so click on the pool name and go to the next section.
  2. Click on the ‘Join Pool’ option.
  3. Enter the ‘Pool Code’ and ‘Pool Password’ given to you by the pool manager.
  4. Click on the ‘Join Pool’ button.

Note: If you’re looking for a pool and don’t have a group already, check out the ‘Available Pools’ in the My Pools menu.

Creating an Entry in your Pool

  1. Click on the Entries menu option. This will open a sub menu.
  2. Click on the Create Entry menu item.
    • If you’re not a pool manager, you may also have a link in a section at the top of the pool home page to create an entry.
  3. Give your Entry a name.
  4. Choose whether or not you want weekly reminders if you’re in a weekly picks pool.
  5. Choose your drivers/cars if you’re in a season picks pool.
  6. Click ‘Create Entry’ button.

Make Picks (Race Picks Pool)

  1. Click on the Picks menu option.
  2. Select your picks according to your pool rules.
  3. Click ‘Make Picks’ button.

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