2015 NPO Default Groups

The 2015 season is quickly creeping up on us, and we’ve put together our default groups for the upcoming season. Our default set up stayed the same, as we have kept both Drivers and Cars/Teams at 7 groups to try and get away from some of the part-timers and the start and parkers.  All of the drivers […]

2015 NPO Default Driver Salaries

The season is just under a month away, and with most of the work done on the server upgrade, it’s time to open the site for 2015 registrations.  Although we’ve allowed people to set their own salary scale, we’ve set up a default option for pool managers to use.  All ‘Salary’ based pools still have to […]

Is The Grass Greener?

The first race of the 2014 season is only a week away, and I’m starting to put some serious thought into my selections for my own pools for this year.   Instead of just going by my gut feeling in each box I’ve decided to do a little bit of research this season, and see […]

Using Nascar Pools Online – Pool Setup

Quite a bit has changed on Nascar Pools Online for this coming season, as we’ve added more customization options so the pool creation is a little more involved than in previous seasons.  We’ve put together some quick step by step instructions to help you get started setting up your fantasy Nascar pool on the site. […]

2014 NPO Default Driver Salaries

The season is just over a month away, and with most of the work done on the site upgrade, it’s almost time to open the site for 2014 registrations.  Although we’ve allowed people to set their own salary scale, we’ve set up a default option for pool managers to use.  All ‘Salary’ based pools still […]